What is a microbiology test?
A microbiology test is a laboratory procedure to examine and characterize microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, mold and other pathogens. In cannabis the term “microbiology testing” refers to counting the number of bacteria, yeast, mold, etc., or testing whether a specific pathogen is present in the product or not.
What is log reduction in microbiology?
In microbiology “log reduction” is a measure of how effective a process is at reducing pathogens. The greater the log reduction the more effective the process is at killing pathogens. ‘Log’ is short for logarithm, a mathematical term. Every ‘log’ increase is a 10-fold increase. For example, 3-log is 103 oder 10 x 10 x 10 = 1.000.
Eine Log-Reduktion nimmt die Leistung in die entgegengesetzte Richtung. Beispielsweise entspricht eine Log-Reduktion von 1 einer 10-fachen Reduktion oder die endgültige Zählung ist 1/10 der ursprünglichen Zählung. Die prozentuale Reduzierung ist also (1 - 1/10) x 100 = 90%.
To determine the log reduction, microbiology labs count the number of colony-forming units (CFU/g) of a given microorganism, e.g., TYMC, in a product before treatment. Then another sample is sent after Radio Frequency treatment to measure CFU/g of the same pathogen. The result of the difference between the ‘before’ and the ‘after’ is expressed as a Log Reduction.
Als Faustregel gilt, dass Sie für jede zusätzliche Log-Reduktionszahl eine 9 zur prozentualen Reduktion hinzufügen – also eine Log-Reduktion von 3, wie oben dargestellt, ist (1 - 1/1000) x 100 = 99,91 TP2T-Reduktion im Vergleich zu einer Log Reduktion von 6, was einer Reduktion von 99,99991 TP2T entspricht.
What is a gram stain test used for in microbiology?
In microbiology, a gram stain is a test used to identify bacteria. A sample is stained and examined under a microscope to see how the bacteria react to the stain. The bacteria are classified as either Gram-positive or Gram-negative based on the color they turn. Gram-positive bacteria appear purple, while Gram-negative bacteria appear pink.
What are CFUs in cannabis?
CFU stands for Colony Forming Units. It indicates the number of living microorganisms in cannabis. CFU is determined by counting the number of colonies that grow on a Petri dish.
What microbes and pathogens are screened in cannabis testing?
The microbes and pathogens screened in cannabis products vary and depend on state regulations. Some of the common ones include Total Yeast and Mold (TYMC), Total Aerobic Count (TAMC), Aspergillus, Coliforms, E coli, and Bile-Tolerant Gram-negative Bacteria (BTGN).
What are the types of tests for microbial contamination in cannabis?
Two types of microbial testing are used for cannabis plant material. The first is a culture-based method involving plating a sample on selective media and incubating it under specific conditions to allow the growth of targeted microbes. The colonies formed are then counted to determine the microbial load, expressed as CFU/g. The second is the PCR method, which detects and quantifies specific microbial DNA of pathogens in the sample.
Will Radio Frequency treatment help pass microbial testing?
Treatment with Radio Frequency is proven to reduce Total Yeast and Mold Count (TYMC) by more than 99.9% and comply with regulatory requirements. Radio Frequency is also effective in addressing other testing criteria such as Total Aerobic Microbial Count (TAMC), Bile-Tolerant Gram-Negative (BTGN), Coliforms, and Aspergillus.
Does Radio Frequency eliminate pesticides or heavy metals?
Radio Frequency treatment focuses on reducing microbial contamination, such as yeast, mold, and bacteria, but it does not address or eliminate pesticides or heavy metals.
Can Radio Frequency Treat Penicillium?
Penicillium ist eine Schimmelpilzart. Es kommt natürlicherweise in der Umwelt vor (Boden, verrottende Vegetation und Luft).
Like any other microorganism, Penicillium family includes a wide range of species from which a few have been proven to be very beneficial to humans; for example, antibiotic penicillin is produced by Penicillium, and the mold used in making Camembert cheese is from the Penicillium family
Andererseits gelten viele Penicillium-Arten als Kontaminanten, und einige können beim Menschen sogar Infektionen verursachen oder Mykotoxine produzieren.
Knowing that Radio Frequency (RF) is effective in total yeast and mold reduction, it is expected that RF can reduce Penicillium population. However, we do not have data specifically related to Penicillium species on cannabis and cannot predict specific log reduction.
Does Radio Frequency kill mycotoxins?
Mykotoxine wie Aflatoxine sind natürlich vorkommende Toxine, die von Schimmelpilzen wie Aspergillus produziert werden. Diese Toxine können die Wurzel einer Vielzahl von gesundheitsschädlichen Wirkungen sowohl bei Menschen als auch bei Tieren sein. Immunsuppression (Schwächung des Immunsystems) und Krebs gehören zu den mit Aflatoxinen verbundenen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen. Die meisten Mykotoxine sind chemisch stabil und werden bei der Lebensmittelverarbeitung nicht vollständig zerstört. Um diese Verbindungen zu eliminieren, sind komplexere und strengere Verarbeitungsbedingungen erforderlich.
In der Vergangenheit haben wir die Wirkung von RF auf die Reduktion von Aflatoxin in Mais getestet und eine gewisse Reduktion der Aflatoxinkonzentrationen bei hohen Temperaturen (110–120°C) beobachtet. Wir haben keine Daten zur Wirkung von RF auf Mykotoxine in Cannabis. Aufgrund früherer Erfahrungen kann man jedoch sagen, dass die HF-Prozesszeit und -temperatur zur Reduzierung der mikrobiellen Population in Cannabis nicht ausreichen, um Mykotoxine zu zerstören.
Can Radio Frequency treat bile-tolerant gram-negative bacteria?
Bile-tolerant gram-negative (BTGN) bacteria are a group of bacteria that could survive the harsh condition of the human stomach. They are equipped with a membrane that protects them against a wide range of chemicals such as detergents and antimicrobial enzymes or even many antibiotics. Some bacteria from Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomona and Aeromonas families are members of the bile-tolerant gram-negative bacteria. They are widely spread in the environment.
In den USA verlangen die Aufsichtsbehörden, die die Cannabis-Monographie des American Herbal Pharmacopoeia als Referenz für die Definition des akzeptablen mikrobiellen Grenzwerts in Cannabis verwenden, Tests auf gallentolerante gramnegative Bakterien mit einem akzeptablen Grenzwert von < 1000 KBE/g. Washington, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Illinois und Ohio gehören zu den Staaten, in denen Tests auf gallentolerante gramnegative Bakterien erforderlich sind.
Kanadische Vorschriften verlangen Tests auf gallentolerante gramnegative Bakterien in Cannabis. Ziel hat begrenzte Erfahrung mit der Sanierung von BTGN, jedoch verfügt Ziel zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht über ausreichende Daten, um die erwartete Protokollreduzierung von BTGN mit dem Baseline-Rezept vorherzusagen.
Can Radio Frequency kill Aspergillus?
In limited production runs on cannabis flower that tested positive for Aspergillus, Radio Frequency was able to successfully bring that product to compliance.
Does mold or yeast regrow after Radio Frequency treatment?
No. As long as the water activity level is below 0.65, molds, yeasts, and bacteria will not grow back. Certificates of Analysis usually measure water activity levels. In addition, some states require water activity levels < 0.65 or 0.60 to ensure product stability after it is placed in retail dispensaries.
Should cultivators identify common molds before Radio Frequency treatment?
Cultivators don't need to identify the type of mold before treatment.
Can Radio Frequency fix powdery mildew?
Unfortunately, no. As the mold advances, visual impairment occurs. There is no remediation process that can remove the powdery mildew. The recommendations are to improve your upstream processes prior to harvest, manage the post-harvesting process effectively, and remediate with Radio Frequency.
Tritt eine Regeneration ein, nachdem das Produkt mit Hochfrequenz behandelt wurde?
Nein. Wie aus der Tabelle hervorgeht, wachsen Schimmelpilze, Hefen und Bakterien nicht nach, solange die Wasseraktivität unter 0,65 liegt. Analysenzertifikate messen in der Regel die Wasseraktivität. Darüber hinaus verlangen einige Staaten Wasseraktivitätswerte < 0,65 oder 0,60, um die Produktstabilität zu gewährleisten, nachdem es in Einzelhandelsapotheken platziert wurde.