What is Radio Frequency (RF)? What is RF heating?

Radio frequency (RF) is part of the electromagnetic spectrum covering frequency ranges from 3 kHz to 300 MHz. RF heating is defined as the dielectric heating of a material using a radio frequency field. Unlike conventional thermal processes, where heat is generated by an external source and is transferred gradually to the material moving from surface to center, dielectric processes generate heat directly inside the entire product mass – also known as “volumetric heating.”

How Does Radio Frequency Work?

Once a material of homogeneous dielectric property enters the RF field, the ions and polar molecules in the material interact with the RF field, rotating and oscillating rapidly, to match the RF frequency. The electromagnetic energy is absorbed by the material and converted into thermal energy due to the rotation and oscillation of the polar molecules. As a result, heat is generated throughout the product rapidly and evenly.

Is Radio Frequency Similar to Microwave?

There are two distinct differences. Firstly, the wavelength of Radio Frequency waves is more than 10X longer than that of microwaves, enabling deeper penetration in a bed of products such as a bag of Cannabis flowers. Secondly, application of Radio Frequency can be more precise and uniform. Microwaves are uncontrolled waves and make it difficult to uniformly expose the entire product to its energy.

What’s the Difference Between Non-Ionizing and Ionizing Radiation?

Radio Frequency is thermal, non-ionizing radiation. X-Ray, E-Beam, and gamma radiation are all ionizing technologies that use high energy to change the product on the molecular level. Use of ionizing technology on Cannabis will disqualify you from organic claims.

Is Radio Frequency Considered Organic?

Yes. In the food industry, the USDA recognizes almond pasteurization with Radio Frequency as an organic process, as opposed to pasteurization with chemicals or gas. In Canada, Licensed Producers have used independent certification agencies to review and confirm organic claims with the use of Radio Frequency in their processes.

Will We Pass Microbial Testing?

Treatment with Radio Frequency is proven to reduce Total Yeast and Mold Count (TYMC) by more than 99.9% and comply with regulatory requirements. Radio Frequency is also effective in addressing other testing criteria such as Total Aerobic Microbial Count (TAMC), Bile-Tolerant Gram-Negative (BTGN), Coliforms, and Aspergillus.

Will Radio Frequency Fix Powdery Mildew?

Unfortunately, no. As the mold advances, visual impairment occurs. There is no remediation process that can remove the powdery mildew. The recommendations are to improve your upstream processes prior to harvest, manage the post-harvesting process effectively, and remediate with radio frequency.

Will Radio frequency Address Pesticides and Heavy Metals?

No, it will not.